We are a sweet part of the community
- eat dots, be happy-
Being a part of our community is an integral part of Dots and its mission to help organizations in the area. Dots will provide cupcake donations to community-minded organizations that strive to make a difference.

We are a green bakery
- eat dots, be happy-
Dots cares about our environment. We use recycled papers for our bakery boxes & print our business cards and stickers with recycled papers and soy inks.

- giving back -
Donation Policy
All donation requests must be submitted in writing on your organization’s letterhead a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to the charitable event (include the non-profit ID number). Please mail your donation request letter to Dots Cupcakes/Donation Request (400 S. Arroyo Parkway, Pasadena CA 91105). If there is a publication deadline, requests must be submitted at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the deadline. Due to the abundance of letters we receive, we are unable to grant all requests. Please note we donate to an organization only once during our fiscal year (January-December). Please no telephone calls or emails. Thank you!
How can we help?
Please feel free to e-mail, call, or mail your requests to Dots and we will carefully consider all donations and fundraisers.